A man marries his sweetheart 7 months before he goes off to war. A Private in the 98th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army, his luck holds out for 4 years. He never sees combat, but comes very close. In 1944 he is stationed in Honolulu, Hawaii, waiting for orders to invade Japan. While he's waiting the war ends, and as a Corporal, he's sent to Japan for the occupation.
My dad died in 1994. In a lucid moment, my mom sometimes reminisces about the Hawaii vacations. She’s 95 now, and doesn’t watch much television because of her confusion, but I tell her about Hawaii Five 0 and her eyes brighten. I wish she could see the colors again.
She and dad will meet again on the shores of Waikiki, I’m sure of it.
1984 |
That is so moving and the pictures are so precious.