by Pam
private (ˈpraɪvɪt)
— adj
not widely or publicly known
confidential; secret
not for general or public use
As a fan or
admirer of a celebrity, we can get caught up in the not knowing where our
obsession is or what he’s doing at any moment.
We wait for any information or picture that can tell us the ongoing
story of his life. The more private, the
better. It makes us feel like we’re a part of that life; the inner circle.
Being in that position, sharing what we know and have, makes us look and feel
more important than just a mere fan. Is it really about loving our celebrity,
or about our own importance?
A while ago,
I used a private picture of Alex O’Loughlin in one of my Louie and Al
scenarios. Within hours, we received an
email from a person who seemed to know where the original picture was from. From
the wording, I am convinced it was a friend or family member of Alex. This
person referred to the privacy of the moment, and asked why I would want to put
it on the internet. My response was a humiliated apology, and I vowed never to
do it again. Not only because someone is
watching, it wasn’t right to have shared Alex’s private moment, even using a
cute squirrel as an excuse. There has to be others who have been scolded, as
I’m sure a
lot of Alex fans dig for new information and unique photos. It comes with the
territory. Some people have no filter
and post private photos on the internet. Then they are reposted and reposted
again. A lot of times it creates this scenario:
“Did you see the new picture of Alex?!? It
looks like somebody’s backyard. Anybody know whose yard that is? I wonder if
it’s Alex’s backyard. Are those tomatoes? Whose leg is that in the bottom right
corner? It looks like a smaller foot. Does anybody know what size shoe Saxon
wears? Maybe it’s Saxon.”
The posting
of a seemingly innocent picture has created a monster. Now the digging goes
even deeper. These are the fans who need to know everything. Where’s the self control? Where’s the
integrity Alex holds so dear in his own friends?
Here’s the
deal, and it’s doesn’t take a university degree to understand this. Alex is just
like the rest of us. He laughs, he cries, he’s mean, he’s sweet, he’s cranky,
he’s silly.He makes mistakes. He’s a man’s man who loves sports, women, beer
and cursing. He’s says the right thing at the right time and the wrong thing at
the wrong time. He’s Australian, not
American, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Philipino, Brazilian, Greek,
Japanese or Chinese. Australians have
their ways about them. This brings me to
my point.

are tight knit, private and loyal to one another. Friendships are strong and
lasting. I propose, as Alex fans, we take our cue from them. As a fandom, let’s
be tight knit, maintain Alex’s privacy and be loyal to him. We can make our
“relationship” with him strong and lasting if we forego sharing what Alex holds
dearest. If you care for him or “love” him, stop openly sharing the private
moment pictures or videos. Take a stand by not reposting/retweeting any private
media, or even commenting. Don’t thank someone for invading the object of your
affection’s privacy. That’s just hypocritical.
There are plenty of photos, legitimate photos, videos and interviews of
Alex through the years on the internet. There will be plenty more in which he willingly
shares intimate details of his life and family as he has in the past. But, if
fans keep openly sharing Alex’s private moments, we could drive him to
withdrawing from his fans even more than he already has. If he gets frustrated enough with us, we may not see him again after Hawaii Five 0.
someone is watching…and probably reporting back.
We welcome all comments,
as long as they are respectful and non-accusatory. All comments are moderated.